Navigating Flood Waters: Your Comprehensive Guide

Imagine you're out on the road, and suddenly, you're faced with a daunting sight: flood water blocking your way. It's not just an inconvenience; it's a potential hazard that needs careful handling. So, what should you do in such a situation?


NVS car servicing in Bracknell has kindly provided the following guide to handle these situations.


Checking the Water's Depth


Before you even think about driving through flood water, the first thing to consider is how deep it is. If the water level goes beyond six inches, it's a signal that it's too risky to attempt crossing. You can use a handy tool like a stick to gauge the water's depth.


When Faced with Flood Water


The safest course of action when you encounter flood water on the road is to make a quick U-turn and find another way around. However, we understand that's not always possible, and sometimes you have to go through it. In such cases, here's how to do it as safely as possible.


Tips for Safely Navigating Flood Water


When you're left with no choice but to drive through flood water, remember these crucial safety tips:


1. Take It Slow: Keep a slow and steady pace, avoiding sudden movements that could make you lose control.

2. Stay Clear of Fast Currents: Never attempt to drive through rapidly moving water, as it significantly increases the risks.

3. Stay Alert: Keep your eyes on the road, watch out for other vehicles, and be ready to react.

4. Be Ready to Stop: If the water's depth suddenly increases, don't hesitate to stop your vehicle.

5. Engine Stalling: If your car begins to stall, turn off the engine right away and resist the urge to restart it.

6. Higher Ground: In an emergency, exit your vehicle and head to higher ground.


What to Do After Facing Flood Water


Once you've made it through the flood water, don't forget to have your vehicle thoroughly inspected by a professional mechanic. Flood water can wreak havoc on your car's vital components, like the engine and transmission.


The Dangers of Driving Through Flood Water


Driving through flood water comes with its own set of dangers, including:


1. Hydroplaning: When your car's tires lose contact with the road surface, it can lead to skidding and a loss of control.

2. Stalling: Flood water can infiltrate and damage your car's engine, causing it to stall. A stalled vehicle in flood water is a potentially life-threatening situation.

3. Rising Water: Flood water levels can surge rapidly and without warning. Being caught in escalating flood water increases the risk of being swept away.

4. Contaminated Water: Flood water is often contaminated with harmful substances, such as sewage, chemicals, and other pollutants. Exposure to such water can lead to illness and infections.


Coping During a Flood


If you ever find yourself in the midst of a flood, staying calm is your top priority. Follow these steps:


1. Higher Ground: Head to a higher and safer location as quickly as possible.

2. No Walking or Driving Through Water: Never attempt to walk or drive through flood water.

3. Stay Put in Your Vehicle: If you're in a car, stay inside and call for help.

4. Avoid Downed Power Lines: Out in the open, keep your distance from any downed power lines, which can be electrified and extremely dangerous.

5. Mind the Contamination: Always be aware of the potential dangers of contaminated flood water.


By sticking to these easy-to-follow tips, you can significantly improve your safety when dealing with flood water. Stay safe and well-informed in the face of this challenging scenario. And remember, much like car service in Bracknell, it's essential to be cautious when navigating through flood water to ensure both your safety and the safety of your vehicle.